Let stay connected
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Frankfurt am Main / Germany
Frankfurt am Main / Germany
let stay conected
kann sehr gut kochen
- musikalisch
- Kultur
- Kunst
- Schwimmen
- Segeln
- Skifahren
aktiv mit anpacken
- Grundkenntnisse in der Landwirtschaft
- Erfahrung mit der Landwirtschaft
- mit der Landwirtschaft gut vertraut
- Rinder
- Schweine
- Hühner
- Pferde
- aufgeschlossen
- ehrlich
- gefühlvoll
- gesprächig
- sehr gesprächig
- gutmütig
- häuslich
- humorvoll
- karismatisch
- kinderlieb
- mit Familiensinn
- mollig
- ruhig
- schüchtern
Hello everyone! What lead me on here? I am not young anymore but I still have a simple goal in my life: to find a good friends and main thing: find my soulmate. I am very romantic from the bottom of my heart. I believe in love and I want to love and be loved again. I like to travel, doing charity works. I am big fan of books, so when I have free time - I enjoy reading. I am in love with the sea and ocean, I live in Odessa, so I see it every day. And i love it every time! It's makes me motivated and inspired every day. I have a kind heart and a kind soul. I always give myself completely to my beloved man. I will do everything to make him the most happiest man in whole world!) It will inspire me very much.. If you are interested and you are ready for new chapter in your life, please write me! I will wait!
Inserat-ID: 3433